Who is Amy?

This week we decided to catch up with one of our brand new fresh meat skaters  -Amy!  Here’s what she had to say.

JK:  What is your skating background?
A:  None, really.  I skated as a kid and then hadn’t for a long time up until the last two months.

Amy says this is when the idea of trying out for derby was born.

JK:  What about sports?  Did you participate in any sports before joining roller derby?
A:  In high school I played soccer, basketball and volleyball and then soccer in college.

JK:  Were try-outs what you expected them to be?
A:  Yes.  I had taken a roller derby skills class with Ballista Blockheart, and I felt that prepared me for tryouts.

JK:  What did you do the night before try-outs?
A:  Went to bed early and got plenty of rest.

JK:  Were you nervous?
A:  YES.

Amy with husband Brian following his Army Special Forces Qualification Course Graduation


JK:    What advice do you have for someone who is considering trying out for Carolina Rollergirls?
A:  Go for it!  Even if you don’t think you’re good enough, do it anyway.  It’s a very welcoming and supportive environment and you’ll be surprised what you can do.

JK:  Are you prepared for the roller coaster ride that is roller derby?
A:  After tryouts, watching my first real practice I was like “woah…” but each one gets a little better.  It feels good stepping out of my comfort zone and doing something that is so challenging.

JK:  What else would you like to share with us about yourself?  Who is Amy, besides  Carolina Rollergirls Fresh Meat?
A:  I’m a nurse anesthetist, just finished grad school.  My husband lives in TN.  One of my favorite things to do is travel.

Amy visiting the Galapagos Islands

JK:  What is your main goal in roller derby?
A:  I just want to pass assessments and play in my first bout.

You can look forward to seeing Amy and the rest of her fresh meat class make their derby debuts later this season!

Contributed by Jesse King


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