Welcome Back CRG!

With practice five days a week, it is important for CRG to take a break to allow our bruises to heal and our minds think about something that doesn’t revolve around an oval track.

Well apparently we can't ALL get away from thinking about derby...

So what exactly have we been up to for three weeks? Check it out!

MC Fyte hung out at Miami Beach.
Elektra Q Tion and Fairy Brutal worked for the Dave Matthews Band Caravan as drivers.
Elektra Q Tion as the Pink Bandit.
Kelly Hurd and Pink Slip spent time in Chicago.
Slashire Kat and her husband, The Red Hatter, spent the break in Ireland on their belated honeymoon.
They met the coach of the Dublin Rollergirls while at the Jameson Distillery- what a small derby world!
Sheeza Freak took her son, Def Sheppard, to Washington, DC for his graduation.
Try Saratops, Hot Mess Express, Kat Diablo, and Coach Heavy D spent a long weekend at Topsail Island.
This is what happens to rookies...

And because you can’t hang on to a national ranking without putting in hard work, we also did some cross-training during break.

Ballista Blockheart, Eva Lye, and Dot Bomber joined the growing list of skaters who are working with Crossfit Raleigh to get their best derby shape.
The All-Stars began group training at the Raleigh Orthopaedic Athletic Performance Center.

All rested up and ready to go, the Bootleggers take on the Blue Ridge Rollergirls in Asheville on Saturday, July 16th and the All-Stars travel to the Charlotte Rollergirls on Saturday, July 23rd- we will keep you posted!

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