CRG Takes On A Special Project

If you have been in the CRG family for awhile, you might remember that Sheeza Freak and Hot Mess Express helped coach the Wake County Special Olympics rollerskating team last season. The program was such a success and our skaters had such a positive experience that these ladies have signed up to help lead the team for another season. Practices will be held at the Skate Ranch and begin in September. Contact Brian Philpot at if you know a Special Olympian who would be interested in joining the team!

Last years Wake County team at Fall Tournament

But there is more! We are starting a BRAND NEW Special Olympics rollerskating team based out of Durham County this year! Hot Mess Express and Kelly Hurd will be coaching this team and practice will begin in September at Wheels Fun Park. Contact Kristen Randall at if you know a Durham Special Olympian who would make a great addition to this new team!

We are also still raising money to send our skaters Over The Edge for Special Olympics in October. Each participant must raise $1000 to be eligible to rappel off of the 30 story Wachovia building and a whopping 11 skaters and volunteers are trying to reach this goal! We are currently in second place as a team and have raised nearly $4000, but we still need help to get our team members over the edge. Visit our team page and donate to your favorite CRG and help raise money for a cause that is close to our hearts.