To learn to play basketball, you would want to go to the Michael Jordan camp. To learn to play golf, you would seek the advice of Tiger Woods. And if you want to learn to play roller derby, you would hope to be taught by none other than Roxy Rockett.
So if learning to play roller derby is a goal of yours, it is your lucky day! CRG is hosting a new skater camp led by Roxy Rockett on Sunday, September 26 at the Skate Ranch. The camp is open to ladies 18 and older with any level of skating skill and will be aimed at getting girls ready for our January 9 tryouts. The entry fee is only $5 (significantly cheaper than private lessons with MJ or Tiger Woods, right?) and the camp will run from 11:30-2:00pm.
Participants are expected to bring skates, helmet, elbow pads, knee pads, wrist guards, a photo ID, and tennis shoes for off-skates warm ups. If you are lacking any protective equipment, there will be a limited number of pads available to be checked out at the Ranch on a first come, first serve basis and rental skates can be borrowed. A mouth guard is recommended and, if possible, skaters should wear a shirt with a number on it.
A second camp will be held on October 24.
Contact for questions or to RSVP. We hope to see you there!
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