Out and About November

Welcome to your November edition of  Out and About. We’ve got a cornucopia of happenings this month!





Here’s where you can find your Carolina Rollergirls in November:

11/1 NC State Homecoming Parade Who doesn’t love parades? Come check us out as we tackle the terrain to show our support for NCSU! GO PACK!

11/2 Volunteer Appreciation Party  Although we appreciate our volunteers year round, CRG will be dedicating a special night to show our gratitude for the people who have shown their continuous support and dedication to keeping roller rerby alive and active in our community.

11/19 CRG fundraiser at Milton’s  Come hang with your favorite rollergirls (some of us will be celebrating birthdays, too!) at Milton’s Pizza in Wake Forest from 5-10pm. Stay tuned to our blog for more details!

11/23 Last home bout of the season  No one ever wants to say good-bye, but thank Derby it’s only a short break until the next season begins.To wrap up our 2013 season this double header will feature The Carolina Bootleggers vs. Brandywine Brawlers at 3pm and The Carolina All-Stars vs. The Brandywine All-Stars (aka The Belligerents) will take to the track at 5. Make sure to come claim your trackside seats at Dorton Arena when the doors open at 2:00pm. Get your discounted advance tickets here! We’ll also have a silent auction running at the bout. Proceeds will benefit Girls Rock! Don’t forget to check out our after party at Tir Na Nog .

11/28  HAPPY TURKEY DAY!  The Carolina Rollergirls are super thankful for our awesome fans, family, derby community and everyone who supports us. Without each and every one of you we wouldn’t get to enjoy the most amazing and empowering sport in the world.

Contributed by Reina Terror

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