New Website! The Big Reveal.

The Carolina Rollergirls are excited to unveil our brand new website! OMG! It is slick! (We’re really excited.) Evil Ed and our amazing web development company, Howard Merrell & Partners, have been banging out code like CRG hits (hard and fast) to get the new site up and running! Thank you, HMP, for all the hard work and time you’ve committed to creating a great new website for Carolina Rollergirls and our fans. Howard, Merrell & Partners is a creative and exciting web design and marketing firm based here in Raleigh. Their expertise has been instrumental in developing the new look and feel of

The photography is the work of Joshua Craig, the best photographer in Raleigh. Joshua is the artist behind the phenomenal photographs you see of the skaters and fans on the website, posters, programs, Facebook and Flickr. He’s the super cool looking guy with the crazy beard and fun glasses you see standing in the middle of track taking pictures at games. On top of his talent, Joshua has been blessed with a kind and generous wife who enthusiastically supports both Josh and CRG. Thank you both for your incredible spirit and passion for life.

The key to all of this is Evil Ed. So the next time you see him skating around the track, waving the flag, and throwing out t-shirts tell him “Thanks”. He has spent hours and hours of time working with HMP and CRG to get the new site designed, developed and executed. Without him we wouldn’t be rolling this bad boy out. Thank you Ed, for your indefatigable commitment to this project, Eva, and CRG.

And thank you fans, volunteers, and sponsors for being pretty darn great too.