Meet Ginger Clobbers – CRG’s Featured Skater

It’s a big year for Carolina Roller Girl Ginger Clobbers. You’ll be seeing #299 this year on the All-Star team jamming alongside CRG favorites like Eris Discordia and Holly Wanna Crackya.

You can also see Clobbers in action during home team games held at Dorton arena as she is one of the two captains of the Debutante Brawlers, recognized by their pink derby attire.

In addition to all of that amazing skating and training, she also serves on the Carolina Rollergirls’ Board of Directors as the Director of Bout Production. That’s right, folks, she makes that amazing show happen at Dorton Arena each and every time. Come check us out on April 16th and see all of the great things Ginger Clobbers can do!

Wanna know more about this roller girl?

1. What brought you to the Carolina Rollergirls?

Ky Pothesis first introduced me to derby by urging me to come to a Trauma Queen/Chi-Tahs game in 2008. I loved it and wanted to do derby, but I didn’t have the time to devote to it at that point. In 2009 I re-connected with Kelly Hurd (we were figure skaters together way back when), and she told me I should come try out in the coming month. So I started going to some speed practices, got used to being on wheels, and tried out in July.

2. If you could change one thing about how you have trained for roller derby, what would you change?

I would’ve started cross-training more frequently right away

3. What do you do to pay the bills and buy the wheels?

I’m a research technician in the Epidemiology department at UNC

4. What hobbies do you have when you aren’t at the rink?

Silversmithing and jewelry-making, cooking

5. What is one bad habit you wish you could break?

Clenching my teeth, especially when I skate

6. What is your guilty pleasure?


7. Is it more important to win or to give it your all and learn something?

Definitely give it your all and learn something. No matter the outcome you
can say you did your best, and there is more to learn from your mistakes
than your successes.

8. If you could slap a floor down and skate anywhere in the world, where
would it be?

I want to skate in Australia!

9. Which events in the Triangle do you enjoy attending every year?

American Dance Festival, Oktoberfest, St. Patrick’s Day Parade

10. Tell us about your tattoos.

I only have one, a Chinese dragon, on my left shoulder blade, and it reminds
me of my inner strength.

11. What do you like to rock out to while skating at speed practice or
cleaning the house?

Techno, electronic stuff, something high energy that I could dance to.

12. Where do you do your produce shopping in the area?

Papa Spud’s, a farm co-op. I love supporting North Carolina farms, and the
produce is better than what you get at the grocery store.

13. Do you have any pets?

Yes! A coon hound/black lab mix (our baby), a big white fluffy cat and a
small grey kitty, all rescues

14. What is the scariest thing you have ever done?

Not to be a Debbie Downer, but recovering from an eating disorder in high
school and after was very scary and difficult and makes anything else I try
to do less intimidating.

15. What is your stupid human trick?

Does sleepwalking count?

Come see Clobbers and the rest of your favorite Carolina Rollergirls skaters in action on April 16th at Dorton Arena when the Tai Chitahs take on the Debutante Brawlers and the Carolina Rollergirls’ All-Stars come up against banked track/flat track hybrid the San Diego Derby Dolls!