If fanny pack wearing, jazz hand waving Holly Wanna Crackya ever needed an introduction, her performance at the Eastern Region Playoffs last weekend eliminated that need. While her derby play speaks for itself, we are sure that after you read this interview with CRG’s most recognizable face, you will love HWC as much as we do!
CRG: What brought you to the Carolina Rollergirls?
HWC: I was recruited while skating around Carrboro Music Day with friends in 2005. At the time I worked at a CPA firm, which I hated, and they musta hated me too, b/c in 2006 I got fired. I then had then had some free time, yay!…so I looked up try outs…they were at the end of July. Someone won tickets to the last game at the Skate Ranch in mid July, I went to the bout and the entire time I thought to myself, “I could totally do this.” Ms Fit was my favorite skater in that bout.
CRG: How long have you been involved with the sport?
HWC: Since I tried out, July 31, 2006.
CRG: What is your favorite aspect of playing roller derby?
HWC: I enjoy being physical and using my body. I never knew I liked to hit people, but I really do. I love the fans and being on stage, can you tell? But more than anything, I love the people that participate in this sport, locally and internationally. These relationships have been priceless to my own personal growth.
CRG: Who is the biggest supporter in your life of you playing this sport?
HWC: Dave, aka $3Bill, I don’t know what I would do without his support.
CRG: What hobbies do you have when you aren’t at the rink?
HWC: hula hooping, growing food and flowers, traveling, dressing up, dancing, going to hear live music, taking pictures…and now playing on the wiiiiiii!
CRG: What is one bad habit you wish you could break?
HWC: ugh, I’ve gotten into the bad habit of getting upset with the refs, and letting stuff get to me on the bench. I want to learn to tune it out and just focus on my next jam.
CRG: What is your educational background?
HWC: I got me a GED, a couple years of community college and a BSBA with a focus in Accounting from Appalachian State, although I don’t want to be an accountant when I grow up.
CRG: What was your favorite subject in school?
HWC: Math, Science, Gym and Art
CRG: Tell us about your tattoos.
HWC: I have two…both are stars on my ankle. After my first Nationals in Austin, Texas everyone wanted to get tattoos. Of course, we couldn’t all get them IN Austin, so I got some stars when I got home. My tattoo is a copy of Betty Rumble’s. They are red and black, our league colors, with CRG 999 on the inside of the largest star… on my other ankle I have a similar grouping of stars but the large one is pink chi-tah print, representing the 2 home teams I have been a member of, the Debutante Brawlers and the Tai Chi-tahs and a couple of blue stars, representing the Trauma Queens, a team I have not had the pleasure of being on…YET. 😀 Inside the largest star is HWC.
CRG: What do you like to rock out to while skating at speed practice or cleaning the house?
HWC: Depends on my mood…RJD2, Nina Simone (Remixed and Reimagined with dance beats…this woman was way ahead of her time), P!nk, Missy Elliott, Mos Def, Basement Jaxx, Busta Rhymes, DJ Shadow…whatever keeps me moving…
CRG: Where have you traveled, and what place did you love the most?
HWC: Derby takes me all over the country. I loved visiting Seattle, Austin, Minneapolis, Boston and Baltimore the most. I have found that cities that have a community that supports roller derby and couchsurfing networks are my kind of cities.
CRG: Where would you want to travel if given the opportunity?
HWC: Um, just about anywhere…especially if they meet the roller derby and couchsurfing criteria from above. I would love to go to Italy and Central/South America somewhere…
CRG: What do you like the most about living in the Triangle area?
HWC: It’s so green. I have NEVER gone without here. This community just gives and gives. We’ve got Freecycle, and the Really Really Free Market, we have a HUGE couchsurfing network. If you ask, and you are patient, you will receive. I feel very blessed to live here.
CRG: What are your favorite places to eat here in the Triangle?
HWC: Sushi Blue, Thaiphoon, Carrburritos, Locopops, Armadillo Grill, Brueggers Bagels on Glenwood South.
CRG: What is the one house chore you hate to do?
HWC: the question should be which house chore don’t I hate…really? who likes doing chores?
CRG: What are your favorite meals to cook at home?
HWC: Whatever Dave makes us. I am good at salads and sandwiches…lotsa tomatoes, avocados, nuts, nom nom nom….
CRG: What are your favorite meals to eat out?
HWC: I love sushi, pad thai and thom ka soup.
CRG: Do you have any pets?
HWC: I have 3 dogs: a hound, Spirit, a chihuahua-terror, er terrier, Rosie, and a chihuahua, Archie, aka Old Man Sunshine Princess.
CRG: What is the scariest thing you have ever done?
HWC: traveling to Europe, alone, for a month.
CRG: What is your stupid human trick?
HWC: I can hula hoop 9 hula hoops at a time…at least for a moment and I can do this weird thing with my toes where they pop back and forth…ooo and my pinky toe I can move without moving my other toes…and just recently i popped the cartilage between my lowest false rib and my sternum and i can pull the rib away from my body…does that count? it’s stupid enough, right?
Contributed by Hot Mess Express
This is awesome Hot Mess! Thank you!!!
We are all blessed to have our little jazz-hands waving-Holly! Great interview with a great skater.
Holly brings good Karma and mucho awesomeness to CRG!
Thanks also go out to my mom, Mama Wanna Crackya, for reminding to always be Forever Young.
Great interview, keep up the good work. Skate Skate Skate still the wheels come off