East Coast Derby Extravaganza this weekend!

This weekend the Carolina Rollergirls are taking a road trip to ECDX (East Coast Derby Extravaganza) in Philly!

On Saturday at 7pm, the Carolina All-Stars will be set for a rematch against the Rose City Rollers from Portland, Oregon. Carolina faced Rose City last July, when they lost 62 – 120.  This bout was last minute game addition to a West coast trip to play Rat City. The travel chaos along with our penalty trouble did not help our All-Stars against the excellent teamwork Rose City displayed. Expect another tough match for Carolina, but a much stronger showing with the momentum off of two All-Star victories this month.

Sunday at 5pm, the All-Stars face the up-and-coming Northstar Rollergirls, who have been making waves in recent years. Both bouts will be boutcast through Derby News Network, so even if you’re stuck in the Triangle heat, you won’t miss any of the action!

The Carolina Bootleggers will be participating in two challenge scrimmages  – one against Gotham’s Wall Street Traitors and one against the fierce and familiar faces of the Hurticanes. The Bootleggers will be welcoming several new faces to our lineups at ECDX. Erna Beatin, Hot Mess Express, and Sheeza Freak will be making their Bootleggin’ debuts!

Contributed by Kelly Marie Hurd (aka Lady Smackbeth)