Rage Against San Diego

Carolina Rollergirl Daisy Rage has been entertaining fans for close to 5 years now. She currently plays as one of the All-Stars and recently helped bring home the Dust Devil title. To say she is an asset to the Carolina Rollergirls is an understatement. Armed with quick thinking, a set of Riedell 595s, and some pretty sweet tats, Daisy Rage is a threat on the track. Off the track, though, she’s very down to earth and quite funny; the real lady behind the powerhouse came through in a recent interview.

PR: How long have you been involved with the sport?
DR: since july 2006

PR: What is your favorite aspect of playing roller derby?
DR: the constant challenge of learning and relearning, the skills and the workout.

PR: What challenges have you faced balancing a personal life with the demanding schedule of roller derby?
DR: I work 40+ hours a week, have 2 kids and a husband…there is a constant balancing act with scheduling and making sure I’m spending enough quality time with my family.  If there is a week that includes many meetings or other derby functions, I might cut a practice the following week to try to balance the time between the two.

PR: Who is the biggest supporter in your life of you playing this sport?
DR: My husband, Neal.

PR: If you could change one thing about how you have trained for roller derby, what would you change?
DR: I would have come in earlier, before you had to try out. Trying out builds in lag time, so I got a slow start.

PR: What do you do to pay the bills and buy the wheels?
DR: I’m a sales rep for a scientific supply company

PR: What is your educational background?
DR: I have a couple of degrees.

PR: What hobbies do you have when you aren’t at the rink?
DR: hahahahahahahahahahahhaa. If i find I have some spare time, I do genealogy research and love Facebook.

PR: Where are you likely to be found out and about in the Triangle? DR: Sadlack’s Heroes, Player’s Retreat, sometimes I go out with the CRG wherever they happen to be

PR: What is your guilty pleasure?
DR: Cuba Libres, RHWNY, Cadbury Eggs, M&Ms, horrible cash-register-lane-magazines

PR: Is it more important to win or to give it your all and learn something?
DR: the latter, but winning is awesome.

PR: Who has been your greatest inspiration to push yourself and train?
DR: Everyone in CRG…like literally, everyone

PR: If you could slap a floor down and skate anywhere in the world, where would it be?
DR: my backyard.

PR: Where is one place in the Triangle where you spend too much money?
DR: Target & Skate Ranch

PR: What was your first impression of skating at Dorton Arena?
DR: I was petrified…so nervous…it seemed so cold and big and scary. And there were people. Watching.

PR: Which events in the Triangle do you enjoy attending every year? DR: The International Festival, the State Fair, and every single CRG bout there is.

PR: What was your favorite subject in school?
DR: Chemistry

PR: Have you had any major injuries because of roller derby?
DR: 3rd degree ankle sprain, torn ACL (repaired in May 2010)

PR: Do you have any pets?
DR: Nina the dog and a cockatiel named Edbird G. Hutcheson, Ed for short.

photo courtesy of R Mueller

Come see Daisy and all her All-Star teammates play San Diego this Saturday at Dorton Arena! Doors open at 2:30pm and a home team match-up of the Debutante Brawlers vs the Tai Chi-tahs begins at 3pm. Our All-Stars take on the number one banked track San Diego Derby Dolls at 5pm. Get your tickets here!

Contributed by Reckless