CRG Home Team Bout: Durham Crash vs. Raliegh Ruckus

Join us Sunday August 23, 2015, 6:30 pm at Wheels Fun Park in Durham to see the ladies of Durham Crash take on the Raleigh Ruckus.

Coming off a big loss to the Thrillers, Durham Crash is hungry for win. The Crash is prepping  to put forth some fast, nimble jammers and soul crushing walls. Look out for some new members wearing the black and silver!

Raleigh Ruckus lives up to their name bringing hard hitting action and big plays. Crowd favorites like JoJo Gadget and Princess America are sure to bring their A game. Ruckus is rebuilding this year and has some exciting new players to add to your radar; Eileen U Scream, Fluer de Tease, and Magically Maulicous to name a few.

Keep your eyes open for some guest appearances by other CRG skaters on each home team.

You can get tickets in advance online, at the door or from your friendly Carolina Rollergirl. See you there!


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