One weekend now stands between us and our season opening double-header on April 18th! What can you do to distract yourself from the overwhelming anticipation of our first international match-up against Montreal? How about a little spring cleaning with one of your favorite rollergirls?
When we’re not practicing, bouting, or dreaming about derby, the Carolina Rollergirls do try to save time for our passions outside of our favorite hard-hitting sport. For Lucy Lastkiss, that passion is enjoying the outdoors. On April 10th, Lucy will be taking off her helmet and pads and getting outside to help clean up the Neuse River. She’s teaming up with the Neuse RIVERKEEPER Foundation and a group of volunteers to patrol the river on foot and by canoe, picking up trash in an effort to protect one of North Carolina’s beautiful rivers.
Boaters will start at 8:00 a.m. and on-foot cleanup will begin at 10:00 a.m. A limited number of canoes will be supplied at Falls Dam, Milburnie Dam, and Smithfield Commons (first come first served). Paddlers may also bring their own boats. Shuttle service will be provided. Please visit the event website to view cleanup locations and get more information about how you can help.
If you’d like to volunteer, you can register here. Bring a refillable water bottle, and afterward enjoy a picnic to thank you for your hard work.
Come on out to your favorite spot and help spruce up the Neuse!
Contributed by A. Fox