Hey everyone! Ok, there is another Carolina Rollergirls bout coming up on Saturday, November 22nd. This will be a double header AND there will be a bunch of stuff going on to help our charities InterAct and Inter-Faith Food Shuttle, so all in all a great way to spend your evening.
To add some fun and friendly competition to the event, we have organized a photography contest through flickr. Main prizes are glory and bragging rights, but it’s a way to share your derby pictures with other fans and have fun! The winners will also be featured here on the blog, and I’ll post all your photography contact info you want included to help pimp you out to the masses.
You can find the rules posted here in the Carolina Rollergirls Charity Bout Competition Group. If the competition is a success, we may be able to make it a regular deal and up the stakes next time.
Go ahead and get your tickets so you’re not wasting any time in line on bout day. I’ll be in charge of the silent auction table for our charities, so come by and say hello and bid on one of our lovely donated prizes!
– Lady Smackbeth