Carolina Rollergirls Skate to Show Pride

September 29, while the Carolina All-Stars were competing at the East Region Playoffs in Vermont, the rest of the crew gathered to represent at the Annual Pride Parade in Durham. The event is part of North Carolina’s Annual GLBT Festival to celebrate PRIDE.
Soggy but smiling, the Carolina Rollergirls hit the parade route!

For several years past, CRG has participated in and supported the PRIDE event by skating the parade route. And, oh, you heard it rained this year, right? And last? We do this rain or shine, and we have fun doing it!
We came prepared. Eva Lye had plastic wrap around her skates to protect them from the water, and Liz Claymore and ViciousLeigh brought umbrellas in hopes of staying dry. The rest of us, well, we just got drenched.

Everyone stays more dry with a frog!


Innovation at its finest.

The day was exciting! We talked to parade goers, handed out schedule cards and tryout flyers, and encouraged everyone to come out to our upcoming double header on November 17 at Dorton Arena. We also talked to potential skaters for our January 6 tryouts. Some super lucky fans on the parade sidelines who cheered the loudest got a free Carolina Rollergirls t-shirt from one of our skaters.
Looking forward to seeing you there next year!
It was a fun day had by all, and the Carolina Rollergirls look forward to next year’s PRIDE Parade in Durham!
Contributed by Eva Lye

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