Newbie Camp 2.0

If you have been tossing and turning at night over the fact that you missed the newbie skate camp in September, there is good news! CRG is holding a second camp, again led by Roxy Rockett, on Sunday, October 24 from 11:30a-2p at the Skate Ranch.
The format is mostly like the last camp, but more CRG skaters will be in attendance to provide instruction and more drills will be run simultaneously so there will be less down time. Skaters need to pay the $5 entry fee and sign the waivers (entry fee and waivers must be resubmitted even if you attended the last camp) and be geared up in pads and sneakers by 11:30. CRG has a few sets of pads that can be loaned out for practice, but our supply is very limited and you will not be allowed to skate without all required gear (helmet, knee pads, elbow pads, and wrist guards), so you might want to consider buying your own pads from one of our sponsors, Play It Again Sports in Cary or Vertical Urge. They give discounts to CRG and tryout girls. Rental skates are available at the Ranch.
Our last camp was a huge success and we are very excited to have another opportunity to help ladies who are interested in roller derby to improve their skills in preparation for the January 9 tryouts. At this time we are only permitting new skaters who are not affiliated with a derby team to attend camp, but hopefully a more derby-focused camp can be offered to our sister leagues in the future.
Please send questions and RSVP to and we can’t wait to see you on Sunday!

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