Do you remember when the Carolina Rollergirls played all their bouts at the Skate Ranch? Or raised funds in, shall we say, creative ways? The Brawlers wore white, and the Chitahs were merely a twinkle in the league’s collective eye. Oh memories! The Carolina Rollergirls are celebrating their 5th year as a league, and boy, have they grown! They are no longer using the penalty wheel to decide the fate of naughty skaters. And gone are the days that the spanking booth saw any action. But this doesn’t mean these glorious pieces of history are destined for the scrap heap!
You can save them at the April 11th bout. Get ready to bid on your favorite old-school derby paraphernalia. That’s right, the spanking booth and the penalty wheel could be gracing your home, if you have the winning bid in our silent auction. The spanking booth could make a great conversation piece while it doubles as a bar or couch table. Who doesn’t need a penalty wheel? What better way to teach people about the consequences of their actions than a visual aid?
Look for the silent auction trackside at the April 11th double header at Dorton Arena.