Carolina Rollergirl Hot Mess Express has been a valuable asset to the team since joining in
January 2010. When Hot Mess decided she just had to play roller derby she didnʼt even know
how to skate. That big hurdle didnʼt stop her, with a lot of will power and determination she
fulfilled her goal! Not only does she give derby 110% of her time on the rink she is also the
Marketing Director for the league and newly named captain of the traveling team – the
Bootleggers! When not at the rink, Hot Mess can be found taking care of a menagerie of
animals and bringing smiles to the faces of children she mentors.
PV: What brought you to the Carolina Rollergirls?
HME: I was actually trying to go to drag bingo and I got lost (common theme for me) and ended up at Dorton Arena. I instantly fell in love with the sport and spent the next 3 years going to all the home bouts and imagining myself on the track- but I couldn’t skate. When Whip It came out, I saw it in the theater with my friend and afterwards she said “I want you to try out. If you don’t do it now, you never will.” She was right.
PV: How long have you been involved with the sport?
HME: I tried out in January 2010 and made the team.
PV: What is your favorite aspect of playing roller derby?
HME: I love the challenge – there is always something new to learn!
PV: Who is the biggest supporter in your life of you playing this sport?
HME: Sheeza Freak has been by my side since day one. She is my biggest encourager and the first person to tell me when I am acting like a jerk.
PV: If you could change one thing about how you have trained for roller derby, what would you
HME: Not a thing. I learn from my mistakes daily.
PV: Do you watch other sports?
HME: I used to be the biggest UNC basketball fan ever, but I gave up cable to support my derby habit. Now I only keep up if somebody invites me over to watch a game (hint, hint)
PV: What do you do to pay the bills and buy the wheels?
HME: I work in a medical office during the week and hang out with kids who have developmental delays on the weekends.
PV: What is your educational background?
HME: I have a Bachelor’s Degree in psychology and religious studies.
PV: What hobbies do you have when you aren’t at the rink?
HME: Anything that keeps me moving! I like to skate outside, bike, play racquetball or tennis, and I just started running.
PV: What challenges have you faced balancing a personal life with the demanding schedule of
roller derby?
HME: I gave up my personal life for derby.
PV: What is one bad habit you wish you could break?
HME: Being too hard on myself- I’m working on it!
PV: What are your favorite places to eat here in the Triangle?
HME: I like Remedy and the Borough a lot, but my favorite place to eat is Smacky’s house- my mother is convinced that I am only alive because Smacky feeds me 🙂
PV: What is your guilty pleasure?
HME: Reality TV
PV: So you’ve got three free tickets you can give to anyone, living or dead, and they’ll come to
the next bout. Who do you invite?
HME: My daddy. And the girl who told everybody she knew that I would never pass tryouts.
PV: Who has been your greatest inspiration to push yourself and train?
HME: Kitty and DVS- they are insanely hard workers and they make me want to be better.
PV: Where have you traveled, and what place did you love the most?
HME: I have been to Western Europe a couple times, Jamaica and Mexico. Switzerland was my
favorite. You can’t beat a place with lots of natural beauty and fresh air- I am not a big city girl 🙂
PV: If you could slap a floor down and skate anywhere in the world, where would it be?
HME: On top of Mt Pilatus in Switzerland- my favorite place ever! Can we slap some guard rails down too?
PV: What was your first impression of skating at Dorton Arena?
HME: Dorton was where I had watched my derby heroes skate for 3 years- being on the floor with them was completely overwhelming.
PV: What do you like the most about living in the Triangle area?
HME: The flowers in the spring and the leaves in the fall.
PV: What is the one house chore you hate to do?
HME: From the looks of my apartment, I hate them all.
PV: Do you have any pets?
HME: I currently have two dogs, two kittens (one from the derby rescue kittens), and four gerbils. My ever changing menagerie is a constant source of amusement for my teammates.
PV: What is the scariest thing you have ever done?
HME: Showing up to my first speed practice.
PV: What is your stupid human trick?
HME: I’m not sure that I have one, but if you show me a fun trick I will always try to do it and 99% of the time I will look really stupid.
Come see Hot Mess Express skate with the Debutante Brawlers as they take on the Tai Chi-tahs at the Skate Ranch in Raleigh this Sunday, May 1st! Doors open at 5:45.
Contributed by Pixie Vicious