Five Years Ago

Do you remember where you were five years ago?

In 2005, Hurricane Katrina rocked the Gulf Coast, Pope John Paul II died, Batman Begins was released, and the Carolina Rollergirls played their first home team bout between the Debutante Brawlers and Trauma Queens.

On Sunday July 11, we will kick off Home Season 2.0 with a rematch of that very game and four skaters, Celia Fate, Eva Lye, Kama Suture, and Ms Anthrope the Mordant will find themselves back at the Skate Ranch doing exactly what they were doing 5 years ago. In honor of these amazing ladies, we dug some photos of that first bout out of the attic. Enjoy!

While rummaging around in the attic, it occurred to us that seeing some of your Debutante Brawler favorites wearing TQ blue could be confusing to newer fans, so we have created this handy Venn Diagram of skaters you will likely be seeing this home season and the teams they have played with. We hope you can appreciate the complete dorkiness of this visual aid 🙂

So bring your diagram and your friends out to the Skate Ranch on Sunday! Doors open at 11:30 and the fun begins at noon. $8 adults/$5 kids cash at the door if you would like to watch from inside the building. And don’t forget to bring your non-perishable food items to be entered in the drawing for prize packs and, you know, because helping people is awesome!

Contributed by Hot Mess Express

5 thoughts on “Five Years Ago”

  1. Holly Wanna Crackya

    Looks great Hot Mess…yes yes, Mauser was a Debutante Brawler for a hot minute, but shortly after that we dropped home teams…but then when we brought them back we restructured. Sadly, Mauser never got to play in pink with us…

    Diagrams are fun! 😀

  2. I too love dorky diagrams.
    I know Bruz has played as a Tai Chi-tah and had a super hot outfit for it too! Just as an injury sub, but the super hot outfit is worth mention. (last row of pics)
    I was a Deb Brawler when I got broke (thus all the yucky pink on me in that pic :P), but sadly never played for them. But again, the super hot dorky outfit is worth mention.

  3. Oooh, and Trudy Struction came to New Orleans to help the Tai Chi-Tahs. Then she went back to the Queens and beat the snot out of us. Derby love, so, so fickle!

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