On Sunday July 18th, we brought the donations to The Salvation Army in true Carolina Rollergirl style. More than a dozen skaters & volunteers armed with 8 trays of baked ziti, enough salad to feed a small army, two trays of desserts- and of course the donations- arrived at the Women & Children’s Shelter ready to serve.We put on our hairnets & gloves and dished out dinner in full force. There wasn’t a volunteer that wasn’t serving with a smile plastered on their face. One of the last residents to leave the dining area was asked how everything was and she said ‘it was da bomb’. It doesn’t get any better than that, right? Well, actually it does.. We had so much extra food, we went to Moore Square to serve the homeless there.
We left the shelter that evening feeling proud of what we accomplished, our teamwork.. and most of all.. proud to be a part of The Carolina Rollergirls.
We got another shoutout on News 14- check it out here!
Contributed by Lillian Axe